Finding God's Presence in Clouds of Uncertainty

Finding God's Presence in Clouds of Uncertainty

I’m honored to have an article published in the Just Between Us Print Magazine, “Finding God’s Presence in the Clouds,”Spring 2024. You can read an excerpt below and follow the link to order to continue reading.

I wrapped the pink towel around my neck to support the weight of my head––the only answer to the screaming muscles in my weakened neck. Clumsily, I stooped to secure the leash to my yorkie’s collar and guided him down the porch steps as the screen door banged behind us. 

We slowly wound the path around the mountainside next to the rented farmhouse that I had called home for the last two years. This farmhouse was a place that represented so many fulfilled dreams––a new job that offered independence after college graduation, a life in the NC mountains, and budding friendships that solidified around its table––and it was the home I was preparing to bid goodbye.

My declining health was robbing me of the ability to support myself financially and meant that I would ….

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A Reason to Hold on to Hope

A Reason to Hold on to Hope

HOPE is a beautiful four letter word.

But sometimes it’s hard to hold onto hope when all I see are the struggles, strife, and hardships in the world around me. Constant reports of growing crime rates, increasing prices, and rising global conflicts fill my newsfeed. And that’s besides the difficulties to get by day to day in my own life. It’s enough for me to question whether there is any hope left in this world.

In the Old Testament the prophet Jeremiah endured his own battles with hopelessness, both internally and externally. He was appointed to spread God’s Word in a time when people…..

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The Gift of Comfort

The Gift of Comfort

I’m honored to be a guest on The Love Offering Blog with Rachael Adam’s. You can read an excerpt below and follow the link to read the full devotion.

One of the most powerful statements I’ve ever heard is, “I know.”

When my life was plagued by years of chronic illness brought on by Fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, I often felt that no one in the world understood me. Questions swirled in my mind. Why me? Why this? And when will it end?

After one particularly long battle with insomnia that rolled in for several weeks, depression sank my heart into a bottomless pit. I could see no way out of the spiritual and physical struggle that I faced. Curled into a ball on my couch, a whisper slipped out, “Lord, help me.” At that moment, the phone rang and I answered to hear the kind voice of my aunt. “Rosann, I was praying for you and wanted to see how you are doing?”

“Not good.” I choked out the pain that consumed me and I told her about the drudgery I faced.

“I know.” Her compassion seeped through the line; it was all I needed to hear to gain composure.

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