A Reason to Hold on to Hope

A Reason to Hold on to Hope

HOPE is a beautiful four letter word.

But sometimes it’s hard to hold onto hope when all I see are the struggles, strife, and hardships in the world around me. Constant reports of growing crime rates, increasing prices, and rising global conflicts fill my newsfeed. And that’s besides the difficulties to get by day to day in my own life. It’s enough for me to question whether there is any hope left in this world.

In the Old Testament the prophet Jeremiah endured his own battles with hopelessness, both internally and externally. He was appointed to spread God’s Word in a time when people…..

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Seven Promises that Remain in Changing Seasons

Seven Promises that Remain in Changing Seasons

“For I the Lord do not change.”

Malachi 3:6a ESV

Red and gold leaves flutter in the wind. They flow from one tree among hundreds that are still stuck in summer. The tree is lit on fire with seasonal change and hails the first visible sign of fall. Once again, I am reminded that this life is ever-changing.

Just as nature cycles through seasons, we all experience different seasons in this life. Seasons of difficulty, loss, and loneliness come to everyone. And so do seasons of beauty, joy, and fruitfulness. I’ve experienced the ups and downs––and know that more are sure to come.

While I survey the tree in its metamorphosis, I’m prompted to question: In the midst of change, what things are certain to remain?

There are promises found in God’s Word that offer us hope and….

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