5 Ways to Cultivate Biblical Hope

5 Ways to Cultivate Biblical Hope

We all experience situations when it’s hard to keep hoping. What ifs? How to’s? And Why’s?, flood our minds. Visions of possible catastrophe dance before our eyes. Hope plummets with every ticking second.

I’ve learned some things through the darkest seasons that I would never know had God not allowed me to walk there. And my faith was sustained by God’s grace by putting these five things into practice.

Here are 5 ways to keep hoping when hope is waning:

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12 Ways to Pray

12 Ways to Pray

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden,

and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28 ESV

As I sit here mulling over all the uncertainties in my personal life, the future of those I love, our nation, and the world, I hear the Spirit whispering, “Come to me…. Come to me with your brokenness, your heartaches, your fears, your concerns, and your questions.” He is inviting me to enter His presence in prayer. If I run into the shelter of His wings, I will find solace there.

It can be difficult to know how, or what, to pray when our hearts are overwhelmed. But Christ implores us to come to Him to find all that we need. If you are struggling with praying today, here are 12 prayer prompts to inspire your prayer life, along with Bible verses to read and encourage your heart as you pray.

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Three Scriptural Prayers for Peace

Three Scriptural Prayers for Peace

“Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace

at all times and in every way.

The Lord be with all of you.”

2 Thessalonians 3:16 NIV

Lord, when I look at what is going on in this world today, my heart bends to anxiety. Yet, I know You know me by name, and exactly what I am facing in my life. And You have designed my circumstances.

Help me trade my anxiousness for Your peace. Fill me with hope. Assure me You are with me, Jesus. May I hold tightly to Your promises and walk through this day with peace that is beyond understanding. My heart is Yours. In Jesus’ name Amen.

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The Hope of Resurrection

The Hope of Resurrection

While they were talking and discussing together,

Jesus himself drew near and went with them.

But their eyes were kept from recognizing him.

Luke 24:15-16 ESV

Two men, Jesus’ disciples, are walking down a dirt road leading into the town of Emmaus. They witnessed the death of Jesus on the cross three days ago, and they just heard that His body has disappeared from the tomb where He was buried. The women told them an angel proclaimed Jesus had arisen from the dead, but they’re finding this news difficult to believe.

Heads hung low, and brokenhearted, they’re wondering how they could have gotten it so wrong. After all, when Jesus said He was the One they were waiting for––the One who came to set the captives free––they wholeheartedly believed Him. They’d sunk their hopes into His promise of a better life. But now, all those dreams have vanished, and they are filled with dismay.

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