God Will Catch You When You Fall

God Will Catch You When You Fall

“Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.”

Psalm 56:3 NKJV

It was hard to force air into my lungs. As I stared down at the slippery rocks in the mountain stream, I thought of all the ways my steps could go wrong, and I chided myself for ever venturing into the water. Tightly gripping my husband’s hand, I methodically placed my foot in his evaporating footprint. But with the victory of reaching the other side of the river in sight, I started to slip. Panic erupted inside my mind as my body wobbled, rocked, and swayed.

My husband’s calm voice broke through the chaos. “Honey, just fall on me. Just fall on me.” Within the span of those one or two seconds, questions swirled. What if he can’t catch me? What if I get hurt? What if my falling hurts him too?

Just then, I glimpsed his confident brown eyes––and knew….

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God Controls the Storms of Life

God Controls the Storms of Life

“Be still, and know that I am God.”

 Psalm 46:10a NIV

I can still hear the resolve in her voice. “Sit down and get quiet. God’s doing His work!”

Any time the slightest hint of thunder rumbled through the air, my grandmother gathered all of us children in her care, and insisted we settle ourselves down. For the kids, our books, papers, and pens came out, while Grandma took the opportunity to clothe her lap with the open Word of God. A hush filled her small living room, and more often than not, I would find myself curled up on a pillow, awakening after the storm had passed.

Recently, torrential rain, rolling thunder, sharp lightning, and darkness overtook my home.

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